In my most recent posts I have spoken about fresh new starts, the benefits of sleep and how to boost positivity into your life. These subjects haven't been picked up randomly, as it's actually matters more to our state of health than we sometimes dare to admit.
Another theme that I feel strongly about is your connection with yourself. How do you reconnect to yourself when you have been disconnected for a shorteror longer period of time?
First of all do not judge or blame yourself for feeling disconnected, it's very common to many, and really nothing to be ashamed about.
So instead of judging yourself try focusing on everything you can do to get back in touch with yourself. You may already know your own personal preferences, however please let me share a couple of ways that have worked wonders for me:
Have a quiet moment on your own every day. If you feel that you can't find time for it, then plan it and prioritize it. Spend the time just sitting by yourself. Pray, meditate or just sit for a while without interruption. Welcome any thoughts that may come to you during that time and remember that every day brings its own vibes. To me the best time to do this is in the morning, however it may work better for you, when you have a break during your day at work or at night before going to sleep.
Take a break from Netflix, your phone and social media. It's time consuming and could cause you to be disconnected to yourself and your close ones too. If you find it difficult not to check or watch schedule a specific time where you are commited not to switch the telly on or check your e-mail. Spend some of your evenings away from screens and do something else.
Journaling. It's actually a great tool if your have a lot on your mind, as it allows you to writ down what's going on in your life. When you are really busy there is a greeat chance that you could feel overwhelmed by it all and you loose the important connection to yourself. Write anything freely that comes to mind without judgement and try to do it on a regular basis to let go of any pressure you may feel.
Remember to look at yourself. This may sound strange to some, but it's a present way to stay connected with yourself.. You spend every single second in your own company, remember to give yourself some TLC - and through your eyes as well. To be honest with you, this is an excercise that I find very difificult, it's definately work in progress.
Spend time outdoors. I discovered a couple of years back during a very stressful time in my life that staying at the beach helped me shift my energy levels and connect with myself. You may have discovered this powerful and simple way to feel at ease, Find your special, preferred place to reconnect. It could be in a nearby park, in your garden, a bike ride through the woods or just a walk around the block where you live.
Thank you for reading and freel to share your thoughts below.