Crises occur in life, we all experience them. You are not alone.
The crises that cause you to lose focus for shorter or longer periods of time are part of being human. And they sometimes turn up when you least expect them to happen.
Maybe your child has problems at school and you find it difficult to handle. Or your partner leaves you, because he has met someone else. Someone you love passes away. You have been working too much and feel stressed and overwhelmed.
Life may knock you off balance leaving you weak and uncertain about how to get back on track. You may doubt yourself and forget, how you felt, when everything was normal. Forget the times before your problems started. You may even doubt that you will regain strength and happiness again.
I have been there too. At a dark place where everything seemed impossible and where all my energy had disappeared. Quite scary when I think about it, because I had always been energetic, outgoing, curious and hard working. And furthermore, I was a parent of 4 kids and married to a great guy. Had responsibilities. But it happened. When I least expected it.
So like so many before me, I had to seek ways to pull myself out of crisis to regain strength and happiness again. It took some time, a lot of tears, professional help and support from my close family and friends. But I am so much better today and I have learned a great deal about life that I would have missed, if it hadn't been for the difficult months of stress and sadness.
It is comforting to know that you can really do something to make yourself stronger, even if you have to get in touch with your weakest spots to get there.
I would love to share a few insights on how you can rebuild your inner strength.
Don’t underestimate yourself and your fighting power. Even though you may feel weak for a specific moment in time doesn’t mean you will continue to feel that way. When you start to think about it, you may even recall ear1ier situations, where you have managed to survive a difficult experience. Search for your strength in your own abilities.
Let yourself inspire by all the life experience you have. You are so much more than the crisis you currently experience. Try to look back at the great times you have also had. Remember your personal values and what truly matters to you.
Reach out and lean on your close friends, your family or a trusted person that know you well. It’s ok to ask for help and encouragement, especially when you are in need of attention and care. The people that know you well will be able to support you and remind you of your biggest strengths, when you need it.
If you don’t know already find out, how you make sure to reinforce your energy levels, when they are low. Get your sleep, rest during the day if you have the possibility, eat and drink well and go for a swim or a walk in the park or at the sea.
Do more things that you truly like and opt for places and experiences that make you feel better. Surround yourself by positive people and if you have to spend time with negative people, limit it as much as you possibly can for your own sake and health.
Write a gratitude journal, if it feels right for you. You can read more about how to get started here. Pray, meditate, be mindful – if it feels right for you.