When was the last time you had a moment on your own?
No matter if you're single or a parent of a whole bunch of kids, a moment of time on your own where you set the agenda, (not someone or something else), is so soul soothing, especially if you have a lot on your mind and shoulders every day.
There is absolutely nothing selfish about going for a quiet walk on your own, eating a delicious piece of your favourite cake in your own company spending time meditating or reading or listening to your favourite music. Or all of it for that matter.
A car can't drive without fuel neither can you function properly, if you don't let yourself reenergise. every now and then.
I know you can go on without breaks and me-time for weeks and months, but I'm talking about functioning properly. New ideas, sharing love with the ones you care about, perfoming well at work, it all comes from your inner source, with a little help most definately, but still.
For my part, I've become more aware of the whole energising thing. Even though spending time alone does mean that you spend less time doing something else, it's still a good investment. See it as an investment in becoming a better version of you where ever you are: at home, with friends and family and at work.
So why not scehdule a date with yourself when you get chance? And choose a specific time and date, if you really wish to make it happen! Yes, let it be 20 minutes or half an hour, if that's all you got. You won't regret it. I try to leave a gap in my planning just for me on Tuesday mornings, best thing I have done in a long time!