First thing on Saturday mornings I would jump out of bed and start arranging, fixing, cleaning and the list goes on. After a busy week, I would still speed up in the weekends to manage everything I hadn't time for on weekdays.
And guilty as charged, I still start the weekends like that now, but not all the time, because I have discovered that life gets so much better, when you take a break from all the must do's and obligations about how things should be.
Life is so much better in pyjamas I think. And it gets even more fantastic, when you prioritze rest and comfort from time to time. It's rare that someone will ask you to sit down and read those books that you ordered from Amazon last year, but still haven't read.
It all comes down to conscious decisions, otherwise your days will just pass by and the risk of stress, discomfort and unhappy thoughs tend to grow bigger and bigger. And honestly, who wants to live a mediocre life?
I know, the dishes, housework, gardening and all the rest have to be done too, but still those small adjustments that could enhance your life in a glimse are really close by, if you want to.
I started by prioritizing slow mornings on Satursdays, which has made my weekends so much better. Think about it - is there something - small or big - that you have the courage to change today to improve your life?