The month of October has passed by at a fast pace. Truly, it has had its ups and downs and personally, I am grateful for all the support I get from my close friends and family these days as change comes closer.
Those challenging feelings
I have learned that allowing yourself to feel your feelings can be tough, but you realise that it is okay to feel pain and let yourself be upset, angry or any other emotion that may appear certain days. I honestly believe that feeling your emotions is healthy and important - and it most often leads to new possibilities.
Actually, there is a risk that hiding difficult and negative feelings could do you more harm in the long run and prevent you from being able to process the obstacles in your life and make plans to get past them.
When you let your feelings out, and even more when you share them with the people in your life who are there to support you, it makes it easier for you to move on to new opportunities.
The hot chocolate place
By chance I passed by this lovely place in Malmö in the neighbourhood, where my son plays baseball on weekends. They serve the most generous cups of hot chocolate and crunchy croissants. And much more.
As corona has put a stop to travelling far away this year, it has opened our eyes to nice places in our nearby surroundings.