Treasures found at the beach in Morocco & Spain
This Summer has been different from past Summers. I’ve shared a little bit with you about my family’s situation the last weeks, but it’s not until now that I realise how tough it has been for all of us.
Last night I went thoroughly through the photos that I’ve taken this Summer. And they’re very few compared to previous Summers since I became a mum. I’ve been so busy handling practical stuff so I guess there hasn’t been much time to do what I feel so passionate about: taking pictures and communicating with all of you. But in the end family comes first. Always.
Taking photos has become something very special to me. For a long time I found it difficult to express all the creativity that was going on inside me, but when I started to take pictures I finally found a personal way to canalise my thoughts and feelings in a manner that made me feel happy.
Little Noah recharging during the holidays
We left home full of expectations and plans, but soon it was all turned upside down, because my hubby got very sick. And unfortunately he still is. Currently he’s still treated at hospital and we hope he’ll get better at some point.
The kids are back in school and I’m currently in the process of getting my writing & translation business on track. Yes, I’ve studied business languages and translation at Copenhagen Business School in the past.
Rembering the beautiful mornings in Almuñecar
The difficulties that we experience serve as great reminders to make sure that we try harder to follow our dreams and do more things that make us happy and balanced.
On our way to the beach
A happy moment
Playing at the beach by the end of the day