Eventhough travelling is fantastic there is something special about home. But sometimes it requires awareness to appreciate your nearby surroundings. And the people that you spend most of your time, with when you are not working.
When I say home I don't mean the house or appartment that you live in (eventhough this is also a really important place), I think about the village, town, city, island.... you name it, where you live and spend most of your time.
I decided a while back to enjoy the little things and the everyday hustle more. Why wait for those few weeks of vacation that you may have each year? For my part it's about getting hold of energy to manage it all: work, kids, friends & family, life because this is what matters most to me.
So I set my mind to get myself and the kids away from the couch, the Play Station, the smart phones and the telly at least for a little while, when we are done with school work, grown up work and all the chores that continiously pile up around the house.
A cosy moment on the couch
I love social media. And I don't mind the kids playing games online. But sometimes it just get out of hand and it can be really time consuming. So the idea that I would love to share with you is really not rocket sience, it's actually very simple.
Get out of your house at least once a week, plan it if necessary. Look at your local sourroundings. Is there a nice park, beach, playground or recreational area in your neighbourhood where you can go for a run or walk to let go of strress and breathe for a while?
We have setup a list on the fridge where we can note new, or old places in our nearby surroundings, where we can go to get away from the screens. It's that simple!
The snow is almost gone!