And then in a split second came the month of April.
March was really busy for my part but there were also many cosy moments that made it all so much better. That's the thing with hygge, it makes life more beautiful and relaxed, when you need it the most. It's not so much about having time but more about making time and space for things and moments that make you and your loved ones feel good.
Unless you live in California or in the Southern part of Europe you are probably also longing for warmer days by now? Compared to last Winter, this Winter has been rather cold and long - and snow lovers have had their snow loving treat BIG time.
The kids at the slope next to our home in Sweden
So we have had many happy and cold moments the past weeks and months. As we live next to a recreational area, the slope where the kids love to play is just around the corner.
More tea, even the kids love a nice cup of white temple tea which is the all time favourite in our family . Hygge is taking the time to slow down for a while to enjoy the simple things even on an ordinary day.
Made with love!
Maybe I haven't told you yet, but my mom is awesome at knitting? She sent me a warm and beautifully knitted hat a few weeks back. Such a surprise to find a gift in our mail box on an ordinary Tuesday. Wish I had the same knitting skills as her, but I tend to stick to yoga classes, when I need to unwind.
The last week or so has been dedicated to time off with the kids. My parents came for a couple of days too, unfortunately we live far away from each other in different countries, yet we manage to see each other quite often. We also had our friends and their adorable daughter over for Easter lunch last Sunday, and a double birthday for the boys' cousins was squeezed in between all the other activities.
I had decided a while back that my closet needed some TLC, so I took the time to konmari my clothes before my parents' arrival. Oh that feeling of joy and relief when all the excess is gone. and you have found all the favourite shirts in the bottom of the wardrobe. No need to buy new stuff!
I really hope that my next post will be full of sunshine and spring flowers. Wish you an amazing week and let's catch up soon!